
Promoting the public interest in copyright

We are Australia's peak body representing copyright users and innovators


The internet has profoundly changed how copyright impacts the daily lives of all Australians.

Technological advancement has opened up new opportunities for creation and sharing of knowledge, blurring the lines between creator and user. At the same time, it has created challenges for existing markets and business models.

The Australian Digital Alliance is the peak body in Australia promoting copyright law in the public interest. We strive for copyright that is balanced and flexible, respects the rights of both creators and users, and encourages access to knowledge, culture, education and innovation.


We Believe

Copyright should strike a balance between the interests of the creator and the public interest in access to knowledge, culture and education.

Balanced copyright laws encourage community participation and facilitate economic and cultural growth.

We Support

Flexible copyright exceptions that enable innovation and equitable access to information.  

Fair and proportionate incentives for creators.  

Fair and proportionate liability for copyright infringement.

Transparent and consultative lawmaking, including in international IP negotiations.

We Oppose

Copyright laws that distort the balance between the interests of rights holders and the broader public interest.

The use of technological or contractual measures to unfairly restrict access to content.


Main photo: ‘Shift in photo location popularity over time: London’ (2011), Eric Fischer. Available on Flickr, flic.kr/walkingsf/5989300759. Available for reuse under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic licence, creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0.

Heading font: ‘Hind’ (2014), Indian Type Foundry. Font downloads available on Github, github.com/itfoundry/hind. Web fonts available on Google Fonts, fonts.google.com/specimen/Hind. Available for reuse under the terms of the SIL Open Font License, scripts.sil.org/OFL.

Body copy font: ‘Nunito Sans’ (2016), Jacques Le Bailly/The Nunito Project Authors. Font downloads available on Github, github.com/Fonthausen/NunitoSans. Web font available on Google Fonts, fonts.google.com/specimen/Nunito+Sans. Available for reuse under the terms of the SIL Open Font License, scripts.sil.org/OFL.