On Friday 9 March 2012 on a foggy morning in Canberra, the annual ADA copyright forum kicked off at the National Library of Australia. Despite some late arrivals and absent speakers as a result of the foggy conditions, the forum attracted record numbers to participate in panel sessions devoted to the topic, 'Growing the Digital Economy: Copyright Exceptions for the Internet Age.'
Podcasts from the day are available on the National Library website here. Unfortunately there was a glitch recording the panel session on mash ups and remixes, and that session went unrecorded. Powerpoint presentations have also been attached to this blog post.
Feedback from the forum has been overwhelmingly positive, both in terms of the quality of presentations and the topical points of discussion. A big thank you must be extended to all of our speakers, including our keynote speaker Professor Pamela Samuelson, as well as the National Library and our team of Australian National University law student volunteers. If you have any questions about the copyright forum, contact Ellen Broad at ebroad@nla.gov.au or on (02) 6262 1273.
Keynote presentation 'Fair Use as a Flexible Balancing Tool for the Internet Age' – Pamela Samuelson
Revisiting a broad, flexible copyright exception in Australia
Anne Flahvin
Carolyn Dalton
Growing our digital economy: copyright and online industries
Nicholas Gruen
Ishtar Vij
Rene Summer
Keeping it technology neutral: private copying provisions and new technologies for consumers
Rebecca Giblin
Kimberlee Weatherall
Copyright and remix culture: a purpose-based exception for mash ups
Presentation file size too large to be uploaded to site – contact Ellen for more information about this session.
Global Agenda for copyright reform – schools, libraries and archives, the visually impaired
Graeme Innes
Margaret Allen
Delia Browne
Trade agreements as vehicles for international IP policy making
Kimberlee Weatherall