
Welcoming new faces to the ADA

The ADA is pleased to announce the election of three new directors to the ADA Board, who make up representatives from each category of membership. Paul Stubing, Paula Bray, and Dr Rebecca Giblin are our new Board members.

Paul Stubing is the Assistant Director of Information Policy at Universities Australia (formerly AVCC) and is the new representative for Universities Australia following Dr Rebecca Harris's resignation from the Board. Rebecca has contributed greatly to the work of the ADA during her time on the Board and has been a strong advocate for copyright reform in the education sector. Paula Bray is the Manager of the Visual and Digitisation Services Department at the Powerhouse Museum, and will represent the cultural category of membership on the Board. Rebecca Giblin joins the Board as a third source of copyright expertise, having recently returned to Monash University following her visit to Columbia Law School as the Kernochan Visiting International IP Scholar. You can find out more about our new Board directors on the Board Members & Staff page. The ADA welcomes the expertise and experience that the new directors will bring to the organisation and its work.

We're also thrilled to welcome Eloise Menzies, who will be joining us for the next 6 months to assist in preparation for the ALRC Review into Copyright and the Digital Economy. Eloise is a recent graduate of the ANU College of law and is excited to be supporting the ADA during this busy and exciting time for copyright law.

With the ALRC copyright review getting underway, and a number of international developments on the horizon, the next few months will certainly be a busy period for the ADA and we're very excited to have these new faces on board.