* Update: Ticket sales are now live: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/australian-digital-alliance-forum-2016-t… *
Neither of these names will be new to those in the copyright space – both are global thought leaders on copyright in the digital age. Professor Hargreaves is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the economic impacts of intellectual property, and was the author of the 2010/2011 independent report for the UK government, Digital Opportunity: a review of intellectual property and economic growth.
Professor Crews is the author of 3 reports to the World Intellectual Property Organisation on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives, and has spent more than twenty-five years researching, advising, and teaching about copyright issues for education and research. Both will be leading us in discussion as to how Australia’s copyright system can remain efficient, effective and adaptable to the new communications economy.
The ADA Copyright Forum, Australia’s premier event on copyright and the public interest, will be held at the National Library of Australia on 18 March 2016. Mark your calendars, and watch this space for more program details and ticket sales – coming soon.