As you know, the ADA Copyright Forum 2021 is an experiment – we are running with a new mixed approach involving pre-recorded videos that you can watch on demand which are followed up by live online discussion panels with plenty of time for questions. Today we have released a video with our Executive Director Ben Rice introducing the Forum and its key concepts. Also, we have released the video for Dr Emily Hudson’s session looking at the practical realities of applying copyright exceptions in the GLAM sector.
By way of introduction, Ben reminds us that the Coronavirus pandemic has challenged so many aspects of our communities and lives – and copyright is by no means exempt. Sudden closures and cancellations of everything from arts and entertainment and sport to libraries and government agencies has disrupted access to content and services across the board. For libraries and archives and education providers the shift to online delivery has particularly highlighted the need for further copyright reform. Of course, the proposed copyright access reforms seek to address many of these issues which we’re very supportive of – in fact, that’s why access is the theme of the Forum this year.
While we’re talking about copyright reform, it’s also worth considering how copyright exceptions should be drafted? That’s what Dr Emily Hudson’s video released today focuses on. Emily takes us through key observations outlined in her book Drafting Copyright Exceptions: From the law in books to the law in action which describe the practical application of copyright exceptions in Australian and international cultural institutions. Backed by fourteen years of research, there are a lot of powerful points Emily makes so go press play on her video!
Later this week we will also release Trina Ha’s video updating us on
the draft bill to amend Singapore’s Copyright Act and the video discussing the need to extend lending rights to digital content. Olivia Lanchester from the Australian Society of Authors, Trish Hepworth from the Australian Library and Information Association and author Kirsty Murray are our presenters for that session.
If you’re looking for more detail on the full program head to the Forum page. And remember, to take part in the live panel sessions you need to register for the Forum.