
Joint statement of principles for ACTA negotiations

The IIA, ADA, Choice and ALIA have jointly proposed principles for the Australian delegation in the forthcoming ACTA negotiations.

Together the Internet Industry Association (IIA), the Australian Digital Alliance, Choice and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) propose six principles for the guidance of the Australian delegation in the forthcoming negotiations:

  1. Transparency and accountability – All stakeholders should see and comment on text before it is concluded.
  2. Presumption of innocence – No enforcement, civil or criminal, without independent findings of infringement.
  3. Proportionality – All enforcement measures to be proportionate to the seriousness of any infringement.
  4. Impact on other treaties and laws – No doubling up or inconsistency with Australia’s existing obligations.
  5. Mandatory filtering a flawed means of general IP enforcement – Avoiding the prescription of surveillance technologies for IP enforcement.
  6. Safeguards against liability for intermediaries – Such as educational institutions, libraries and Internet Service Providers.