
Fair Use, Flexibility and Exceptions for Creativity

ADA Copyright Forum 2017

  • 24 February
  • National Library of Australia
  • Join the conversation: #ADAForum

With the final report of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Australia’s IP Framework echoing the ALRC’s recommendation to adopt fair use, debate on flexibility and the role of exceptions in our copyright system is set to dominate the copyright discussions in Australia in 2017.

This debate brings with it a lot of speculation – how does fair use actually operate? What would it mean for Australian users? What about creators – how do we design a system that meets all their needs? What are the global trends?

To answer these questions and more the ADA is bringing together experts from around the world – experts who have experience working with fair use and flexible copyright exceptions – for one day in Canberra on 24 February 2017.



Videos of the presentations are available on our YouTube channel or are embedded below.


Social Media

Join the conversation using the event hashtag: #ADAForum


Thursday, 23 February 2017


Book Launch: What if we could reimagine Copyright?

Edited by Dr Rebecca Giblin and Professor Kimberlee Weatherall

Venue: National Film and Sound Archive

Friday, 24 February 2017




Welcome & Opening


Fair use for Australia - the Productivity Commission’s view

Karen Chester – Deputy Chair and Commissioner, Productivity Commission


Morning tea


Diffusing fair use - the global trend and what it means for Australia

Chair: Professor Kimberlee Weatherall – Sydney Law School, University of Sydney

Professor Sean Flynn – Associate Director, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property Professorial Lecturer in Residence, American University

Professor Michael Geist – Chair of Internet & E-commerce Law, University of Ottawa

Professor Peter Jaszi – Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Clinic, American University

Professor Sang Jo Jong, Seoul National University, School of Law

Bill Patry – Senior Copyright Counsel, Google




Copyright 2016

Jessica Coates – Executive Officer, Australian Digital Alliance


Copyright happenings


E-lending: its legal and social impact

Dr Rebecca Giblin – Senior Lecturer, Monash University

Professor Kimberlee Weatherall – Sydney Law School, University of Sydney


Afternoon Tea


Flexible Exceptions for Creativity and Culture: American Creators and Fair Use

Professor Patricia Aufderheide, University Professor, School of Communication, American University and Fulbright Scholar 2017


Copying as Part of Creative Practice in Australia: the Creators' Experience

Chair: Dr Nicolas Suzor, Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow, Intellectual Property and Innovation Law Research Program, Queensland University of Technology

Dr Kylie Pappalardo, Intellectual Property and Innovation Law Research Program, Queensland University of Technology

Andrew Garton, Filmmaker, writer, producer, Secession/Films

Simon Groth, writer, editor, director of if:book Australia




With our largest line up of local and international speakers ever, confirmed participants include:

Karen Chester

Deputy Chair and Commissioner, Productivity Commission

Professor Patricia Aufderheide

University Professor, School of Communication, American University and Fulbright Scholar 2017

Professor Sean Flynn

Associate Director, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property Professorial Lecturer in Residence, American University

Professor Michael Geist

Chair of Internet & E-commerce Law, University of Ottawa

Professor Peter Jaszi

Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Clinic, American University

Professor Sang Jo Jong

Seoul National University, School of Law

Bill Patry

Senior Copyright Counsel, Google