
ADA Copyright Forum 2023 satellite event

Making the most of fair dealing

An ADA Copyright Forum 2023 online satellite event

Join Professor Emily Hudson, from the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, in a discussion about the potential breadth and flexibilities of the fair dealing exception.

In 2014, the UK copyright statute was amended to add three new fair dealing provisions, in relation to: quotation; caricature, parody and pastiche; and illustration for instruction (education). This webinar discusses UK experiences in relation to quotation and education, and explores how those provisions have been used by UK institutions. Why was quotation reported to be easily accessible to staff in leading cultural institutions? What happened in the COVID-19 pandemic to cause a leap forward in reliance on the education exception? And how might fair dealing be applied in another library context: controlled digital lending? Emily will explain not just the legal arguments behind these applications of fair dealing, but the processes and workflows that have allowed them to emerge. She will identify lessons for Australian users, both in terms of how to make better use of the existing fair dealing exceptions, and what Australian stakeholders might lobby for, in terms of reforms to the Australian Copyright Act, in the coming years.


Prof Emily Hudson

Professor of Law, King's College London

Professor Emily Hudson is Professor of Law at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London. Emily joined King’s in January 2015, having previously held academic posts at the University of Melbourne, University of Queensland and University of Oxford. Emily has a particular research interest in copyright law, and for many years has undertaken work on the copyright experiences of cultural and educational institutions, this work being showcased in her book, Drafting Copyright Exceptions: From the Law in Books to the Law in Action (CUP, 2020). Some of Emily’s recent research projects have related to fair dealing and online teaching, quotation norms in the publishing industry, copyright and open access, and controlled digital lending (CDL).


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