
ADA Copyright Forum 2017 satellite events

Fair Use: Myth v Reality for Creators

  • 6–7:30 pm, Monday 13 February 2017
  • ACMI X, The Primrose Potter Australian Ballet Centre building, 2 Kavanagh Street, Southbank

Presented by ACMI X and the Australian Digital Alliance

The Australian Productivity Commission’s recent recommendations have made fair use a hot topic for Australia’s creative and cultural communities. But what is fair use, and what does it mean for creators? Is copying without permission ever ok, and should it be? How does copyright impact your creative practice?

Bringing together Australian experts with thought leaders on copyright and creativity from the US, where fair use already plays a major part in the creative process, this event aims to unpack some of the myths and explore the experiences of creators working both with and without fair use. Particularly relevant for remix artists, documentarians, multimedia designers, journalists, playwrights, musicians, and anyone else who uses existing material as part of their creative practice.


Professor Patricia Aufderheide

University Professor, School of Communication, American University and Fulbright Scholar 2017

Professor Peter Jaszi

Glushko-Samuelson Intellectual Property Clinic, American University

Andrew Garton

filmmaker, musician and Adjunct Industry Fellow, Media and Communication, Swinburne University of Technology

Dr Rebecca Giblin

Monash University